- (=ephedrine) 麻黄碱,麻黄素 ephed.
- HCI气体 gaseous HCI
- 蓝牙HCI Bluetooth HCI
- HCI程序 HCI program
- HCI传输层 HCI transport layer
- HCI吸收工艺 the HC1 absorption craft
- HCI气体净化效率 HCI removal efficiency
- 人机交互(HCI) Human-Computer Interaction(HCI)
- 蓝牙HCI USB传输层规范 Specification of Bluetooth HCI USB Transport Layer
- 蓝牙HCI传输层流量控制的研究 Study of flow control based on bluetooth HCI transport layer
- 基于HCI协议层的蓝牙技术应用开发 The Development of Bluetooth Application Based on HCI Layer
- 基于HCI层的单片机对蓝牙模块的控制 The Control of Bluetooth Module Based on MCU in HCI Layer
- 深亚微米HCI模型参数多目标全域提取方法 A Multi-Objective Global Optimization Extraction for HCI Model Parameters in Deep-Submicron Devices
- 蓝牙HCI-UART与并口的FPGA控制接口设计 Design of FPGA Interface Controller of Bluetooth HCI-UART and Parallel Port
- 蓝牙HCI接口及其在工控和智能仪器仪表中的应用 Bluetooth HCI and Its Application in Industrial Control and Intelligent Instrument
- 基于UART传输层的蓝牙主机控制接口(HCI)的实现 The Realization of Bluetooth HCI Based on UART Transfer Layer
- SGA软件可安装在408UL的HCI上,不需要额外的计算机。 SGA Software resides on the 408UL Human Computer Interface, and no additional computer is required.
- DDT脱氯、氧化产物DBP和DBH; DDT脱去HCI生成的DDE; DBP and DBH are the dechlorination and oxidation products of DDT, with DDE a dehydrochlorination product.
- Sharp Bluetooth CF卡使用UART传输器来传送HCI数据分组。 The Sharp Bluetooth CF card uses a UART transport to transfer HCI packets.